健行:簡單的健康之道 Hiking: A Simple Path to Health

Hiking: A Simple Path to Health

Hiking: A Simple Path to Health


Vocabulary and Grammar (字彙與文法)

makes your...strong (動詞片語 + 受詞 + 形容詞) 使...強壯

這是一個常見的 "make" 的句型:"make + 受詞 + 形容詞",表示「使...變得...」的意思。形容詞描述受詞產生的變化。

The sun makes the plants grow. (太陽使植物生長。)


This music makes me happy. (這音樂讓我覺得快樂。)

The teacher made the class quiet. (老師讓全班安靜下來。)

good for... (形容詞片語) 對...有益


Reading is good for your mind. (閱讀對你的心智有益。)


Fruits and vegetables are good for you. (水果和蔬菜對你有益。)

Is this good for the environment? (這對環境有好處嗎?)

balance n. [ˋbæləns] [U] 平衡 (不可數名詞)


He lost his balance and fell. (他失去平衡跌倒了。)


balance beam: 平衡木

a balanced life: 平衡的生活 (這裡的 balanced 是形容詞)

less + adj. (比較級用法) 較不...

"less" 放在形容詞原級的前面,表示「較少...」、「較不...」的意思,形成比較級。

This chair is less comfortable than that one. (這張椅子沒有那張舒服。)


I am less worried now.(我現在比較不擔心了。)

She wants to be less stressed.(她想要減少壓力。)

get better (動詞片語) 變得更好;改善

"get" 在這裡表示「變成」,後面接形容詞的比較級,表示狀態的提升或好轉。

Practice makes your skills get better. (練習會讓你的技巧進步。)


I hope the weather gets better. (我希望天氣會變好。)

He is getting better at playing the piano. (他彈鋼琴越來越好了。)

even if (連接詞) 即使;就算


Even if it rains, we will still go hiking.(即使下雨,我們還是會去健行。)


Even if she is busy, she will help you. (即使她很忙,她還是會幫你。)

Even if you don’t like it, you have to do it. (即使你不喜歡,你還是得做。)

remember to + 原V (動詞片語) 記得要...

"remember to" 後面接原形動詞, 表示"記得去做某事"

Remember to bring water when you hike. (健行時記得帶水。)


Remember to lock the door. (記得鎖門。)

I remember locking the door. (我記得*已經*鎖了門。 – 注意這裡用 V-ing,表示記得"做過"某事)

have fun (動詞片語) 玩得開心

這是一個常用的片語, 表示享受某事或某活動的樂趣

Have fun on your trip! (旅途愉快!)


We had a lot of fun at the party. (我們在派對上玩得很開心。)

I hope you have fun learning English. (希望你享受學習英文的樂趣。)


Hiking is a simple way to exercise and enjoy nature. It's good for your body and your mind. This article will tell you how to start hiking and why it's good for you.

Reading (閱讀)

Hiking is good for you! You can walk in the mountains or in the forest. It's a fun way to be healthy.

Hiking makes your heart strong. It makes your muscles and bones strong, too. When you walk on trails, the ground is not flat. This helps you get better balance.

You can choose easy or hard hikes. Hikes with hills make your body work more.

Hiking is also good for your mind. When you are outside, you feel good. In Japan, people walk in the forest to feel better.

Walking in nature can make you less sad and worried. Even a short walk can help.

Hiking is easy to start. You can choose easy trails. You can walk a little or a lot.

It's good to hike with a friend. You can also join a hiking group. Remember to wear good shoes and bring water and food. Have fun!

Questions (問題)

Q: What do you need for hiking?

A: You need good shoes, water, and food.

Q: Where can you go hiking?

A: You can hike in the mountains or in the forest.

Q: Who can you hike with?

A: You can hike with a friend or a hiking group.

Discussion (討論)

Q: The article says hiking is good for your mind. Do you think other outdoor activities are also good for your mind? Why or why not? (文章說健行對心靈有益。你認為其他戶外活動也對心靈有益嗎?為什麼?)

A: Yes, I think other outdoor activities are also good for your mind. When you are outside, you can see nature and get fresh air. This can make you feel relaxed and happy. For example, riding a bike or having a picnic in the park can also be good. (是的,我認為其他戶外活動也對心靈有益。當你在戶外時,你可以看到大自然並呼吸新鮮空氣。這可以讓你感到放鬆和快樂。例如,騎自行車或在公園野餐也很好。)

Conclusion (結論)

Hiking is a simple and fun activity that is good for your body and mind. You can start easily and enjoy nature. It's a great way to be healthy and happy!


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