Taiwan is an Outdoor Adventure Paradise 台灣是戶外探險天堂

Taiwan: An Outdoor Adventure Paradise

Taiwan: An Outdoor Adventure Paradise


Vocabulary and Grammar (字彙與文法)

diverse adj. [daɪˋvɝs] 多樣的

Showing a great deal of variety; very different. (呈現多樣性;非常不同的。)

Taiwan has diverse landscapes, from mountains to beaches. (台灣擁有從高山到海灘等多樣化的景觀。)

convenient adj. [kənˋvinjənt] 方便的

Fitting in well with a person's needs, activities, and plans. (很適合某人需求、活動和計畫的)

It is convenient to travel around Taiwan because it is small. (在台灣旅行很方便,因為它很小。)

turning point n. [ˋtɝnɪŋ pɔɪnt] 轉捩點

A time at which a decisive change in a situation occurs. (一個局勢發生決定性變化的時刻。)

The pandemic was a turning point for outdoor sports in Taiwan. (疫情是台灣戶外運動的轉捩點。)

domestically adv. [dəˋmɛstɪklɪ] 國內地

In a way that relates to activities inside a particular country. (以與特定國家/地區內的活動相關的方式。)

People could travel domestically during the pandemic. (疫情期間人們可以在國內旅行。)

spike n. [spaɪk] 激增

A sudden and large increase. (突然的大幅增加。)

There was a spike in young adults wanting to go hiking. (想要去健行的年輕人激增。)

tap into (v. phr.) 利用;進入

To make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists (利用現有的能源, 知識等)

It’s easy for international visitors to tap into Taiwan’s outdoor opportunities. (國際遊客很容易就能享受到台灣的戶外活動機會。)


We need to tap into the expertise of our colleagues.(我们需要善用同事的专业知识。)

Indigenous adj. [ɪnˋdɪdʒənəs] 本土的;原住民的

Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. (起源於或自然存在於特定地方的;本土的。)

Indigenous people made hiking trails thousands of years ago. (原住民在數千年前開闢了登山步道。)

scenery n. [ˋsinərɪ] 風景

The natural features of a landscape considered in terms of their appearance.

You can also relax in comfortable hotels and enjoy great food and Scenery.(你也可以在舒適的飯店裡放鬆身心,享受美食和風景。)


Taiwan is a great place for outdoor activities. It has many mountains, hiking trails, and beautiful scenery. It's easy to travel around Taiwan and enjoy nature.

Reading (閱讀)

Taiwan has many mountains, with over 260 peaks higher than 3,000 meters! Indigenous people made hiking trails thousands of years ago. Taiwan also has beautiful national parks and forests. You can even surf on waves from the Pacific Ocean.

Taiwan is not very big, like Belgium or Massachusetts. But it offers a lot of outdoor activities. You can also relax in comfortable hotels and enjoy great food and scenery after your adventures.

The Taiwan Tourism Administration says that Taiwan's diverse landscapes and small size make it perfect for adventure sports. It's easy to visit different places in a few hours.

The pandemic changed things. People in Taiwan started to travel more inside the country. Many young adults wanted to go hiking or cycling.

It's not just for locals. International visitors can also easily enjoy Taiwan's outdoor activities.

Questions (問題)

Q: What kind of landscapes does Taiwan have?

A: Taiwan has diverse landscapes, including mountains, forests, and beaches.

Q: Why is it easy to travel around Taiwan?

A: Because Taiwan is a compact island.

Q: What happened during the pandemic?

A: More young adults in Taiwan wanted to go hiking and cycling.

Discussion (討論)

Q: What is your favorite outdoor activity? Why do you like it? (你最喜歡的戶外活動是什麼?你為什麼喜歡它?)

A: My favorite outdoor activity is swimming in the ocean. I like it because it makes me feel free and refreshed. The cool water and the sound of the waves are very relaxing. (我最喜歡的戶外活動是在海裡游泳。我喜歡它,因為它讓我感到自由和煥然一新。涼爽的海水和海浪的聲音非常令人放鬆。)

Conclusion (結論)

Taiwan is a great place for adventure and enjoying nature. It has something for everyone!


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