探索太魯閣國家公園!Discover Taroko National Park!

Discover Taroko National Park!

Discover Taroko National Park! (探索太魯閣國家公園!)

1. Warm-up (熱身)

Have you ever been to a national park? (你去過國家公園嗎?)

What do you see in the picture? (你在照片中看到了什麼?)

What do you think you can do there? (你覺得在那裡可以做什麼?)

2. Reading (閱讀)

Taroko National Park is one of Taiwan's most famous national parks. It's located on the east coast of Taiwan, in Hualien County. The park is known for its amazing marble gorge. This gorge was formed by the Liwu River cutting through the mountains over millions of years.

The park is very large, with high mountains, deep valleys, and beautiful waterfalls. You can see many different kinds of plants and animals in Taroko. Some animals are only found in Taiwan, like the Formosan black bear and the Formosan macaque (a kind of monkey).

Taroko is a great place for hiking and enjoying nature. There are many trails to choose from, easy ones and difficult ones. It is important to be careful when hiking at Taroko, as there can sometimes be falling rocks. You should always check park notices before planning a trip.

3. Vocabulary (詞彙)

national park (國家公園)
詞性: n.
發音: [ˈnæʃ.ən.əl pɑːrk]
英文解釋: A large area of land protected by the government because of its natural beauty, plants, and animals.
Taroko National Park is a famous national park in Taiwan. (太魯閣國家公園是台灣著名的國家公園。)
We saw many beautiful birds in the national park. (我們在國家公園裡看到了許多美麗的鳥。)
be located on/in (位於...)
詞性: phr.
發音: [biː ˈloʊ.keɪ.t̬ɪd]
英文解釋: To be in a particular place or position.
Taroko National Park is located on the east coast of Taiwan. (太魯閣國家公園位於台灣東海岸。)
The library is located in the center of the city. (圖書館位於市中心。)
be known for (以...聞名)
詞性: phr.
英文解釋: To be famous or well-known for something.
Taroko National Park is known for its amazing marble gorge. (太魯閣國家公園以其令人驚嘆的大理石峽谷聞名。)
This restaurant is known for its delicious pizza. (這家餐廳以其美味的披薩聞名。)
over millions of years (數百萬年來)
詞性:片語 phr.
英文解釋:For a very, very long time (millions of years).
例句: The gorge was formed by the river cutting through the mountains over millions of years. (峽谷是由河流數百萬年來切割山脈形成的。)
Dinosaurs lived on Earth over millions of years ago. (恐龍生活在數百萬年前的地球上。)
a kind of (一種...)
英文解釋:A type of; a sort of.
The Formosan macaque is a kind of monkey. (台灣獼猴是一種猴子。)
A rose is a kind of flower. (玫瑰是一種花。)

4. Multiple Choice (選擇題)

(A) 理解題 (Comprehension)

  1. Where is Taroko National Park located?
    1. On the west coast of Taiwan
    2. In the center of Taiwan
    3. On the east coast of Taiwan
    4. In Taipei City
  2. What is the main feature of Taroko National Park?
    1. A large lake
    2. A beautiful beach
    3. A marble gorge
    4. A high mountain

(B) 字彙題 (Vocabulary)

  1. What does "gorge" mean?
    1. A type of flower
    2. A deep valley with steep sides
    3. A kind of bird
    4. A tall building
  2. Which word means "famous for something"?
    1. located on
    2. a kind of
    3. known for
    4. over millions of years
  3. What does "Formosan macaque" mean?
    1. A type of plant only found in Taiwan
    2. A kind of monkey only found in Taiwan
    3. A river in Taroko National Park
    4. The highest mountain in Taiwan

5. Discussion (討論題)

Question: If you could visit Taroko National Park, what would you like to see or do there? Why?

Possible Answer:
"If I could visit Taroko National Park, I would like to hike on the Shakadang Trail. I want to see the clear, blue water and the beautiful rocks. I like walking in nature, and I think it would be very relaxing. I also want to see the Formosan macaques because I like monkeys. It would be exciting to see them in their natural habitat."

6. Answer Key (選擇題答案)

  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B


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