字母 : ch
單字 : cheese起司/cherry櫻桃/beach海灘/peach桃子
句子 :
Sit on a bench at beach. We have a cherry and a peach. Munch! Yummy for lunch.
單字 : cheese起司/cherry櫻桃/beach海灘/peach桃子
句子 :
Sit on a bench at beach. We have a cherry and a peach. Munch! Yummy for lunch.
字母 : sh
單字 : shirt襯衫/shoe鞋子/brush刷子/fish魚
句子 :
I have a brush. I can paint a fish and a ship.
I can paint a shirt and a shoe.
單字 : shirt襯衫/shoe鞋子/brush刷子/fish魚
句子 :
I have a brush. I can paint a fish and a ship.
I can paint a shirt and a shoe.
字母 : th
單字 : three三/thumb拇指/mouth嘴/teeth牙齒
句子 :
I have three teeth. I have a pie.
Put in my thumb, and pull out a plum.
單字 : three三/thumb拇指/mouth嘴/teeth牙齒
句子 :
I have three teeth. I have a pie.
Put in my thumb, and pull out a plum.
字母 : ph
單字 : phone電話/photo照片/Sophie蘇菲/trophy盃
句子 :
Philip phones Sophie. He want to show her some photos.She wants to show him a trophy.
單字 : phone電話/photo照片/Sophie蘇菲/trophy盃
句子 :
Philip phones Sophie. He want to show her some photos.She wants to show him a trophy.
文章 :
At the Beach
Philips and Sophie are at the beach. They have a peach and three cherries for lunch. They take off their shoes and sit on a beach. They see a ship and a fish. They take a picture. Look at the photo! They are funny.
At the Beach
Philips and Sophie are at the beach. They have a peach and three cherries for lunch. They take off their shoes and sit on a beach. They see a ship and a fish. They take a picture. Look at the photo! They are funny.